Friday, July 29, 2011

playing around with iMovie...

Wanting to learn how to make video tutorials equals...

- shooting video on my iPhone late at night...tried earlier in the day but was impossible with kids
- wishing for a great lighting kit so shooting video at night would actually look ok
- jimmy rigging my iphone to a kids table on top of my craft table to get an overhead shot
- wishing for a really nice camera...
- thinking I'd like the Canon 5D for photos and video...anybody have suggestions?
- trying to figure out how to use iMovie
- trying to figure out how to export a movie so that the quality still looks ok but the file isn't ginormous...still not sure
- signing up for a youtube account
- staying up way too late and not getting any necessary things done like laundry and the dishes
- thinking tomorrow morning is not going to be fun...I hate waking up to a messy house - do you?
- wishing I hadn't woken up to a messy house all week - oh, laundry and the dishes why don't I like you?

So here's my first attempt...thinking attempt 2 will go much better.


tvmom said...

it looks awesome!!!

Canon 5D - my dream would be so awesome to get...go for it!

even though i have a pretty nice video camera, i love filming on my Flip and it comes with the easiest editing software, super inexpensive, lightweight and decent audio...too bad they are going out of business :)

Love that you are back on the blog, so fun to see what you are up to!

Janni said...

I thought your video was great! I couldn't hear anything because my computer is messed up, however I totally got the gist of your lesson. I would say that your font over the top was a little difficult to read because of the color so you might play around with that.